31 Jan 2007

case: FP bypass using Distaflo graft

Today, a patient of PAOD (peripheral artery occlusive disease) who was discharged from the hospital some 10 days ago came back to the clinic for his posoperative check. Here is his postoperative images.
He was a victim of right femoral artery total occlusion presented with severe intermittent claudiction. a right side femoro-popliteal bypass had been performed in some other hospital around half a year ago. unfortunately, the graft failed almost immediately after the procedure and the symptom had never been treated. (Here you can see the previous inserted graft, which is occluded already) He thus then came to my institution for further help.
Operative finding
severe atheromatous change of CFA, right side was noted during the procedure. I have used a ePTFE graft which has a cuffed design (Distaflo, BARD) for the bypass graft. the target vessel was the below knee popliteal artery. The postoperative image showed here a patent graft with beautiful distal anastomosis. The cuffed shape of the arterial anastomosis had been showed clearly and beautifully. The flared cuff design of the graft, compare to the regular graft, can enhance the artery blood flow and decrease the possible turbulance blood flow over the anastomosis thus in turn decrease the future intimal hyperplasia on the vessel wall. Theoretically, it can prolong the distal bypass graft patency.

The patient had been rather well after the surgery. No more claudication was complained.
I sure hope that the cuffed design of the graft can minimize the possible stenosis in the future!

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